After the perfect Ruku the person praying should raise his head from Ruku saying :-
"Sami 'allah hu liman hamida."
"Verily Allah listens to one who praises him." and raise his hands up to the level of his shoulders with palms facing outwards and fingers stretched to the earlobes and then he should lower his hands to his sides. In the standing position he should be erect so that the joints of his body go back in place. While in this position he should recite one or all of the following du'as as many times as he likes.
*** Some people get very annoyed when they see someone raising his hands while going into Ruku and again raising his hands while lifting his head from Ruku. There are, however, authentic hadiths which prove that Prophet Muhammad(saw) used to raise his hands at the beginning of prayer before and after Ruku and when standing up for the third rakat.
Every single Book of Hadith like Bukhari, Muslim, Imam Malik, Abu Qawud, Tirmizi, Nisai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah, Hakim, Ahmad, Shafaee, Tabrani, etc. etc. mentions these hadiths. Nearly four hundred companions also narrate this practice of Prophet Muhammad(saw).
So, there is not the slightest doubt that the raising of hands is sunnat and a person who practices this sunnat gets a greater reward than the person who does not practice it. However, even though the action is mentioned in the hadiths, all the ulamas agree that the prayer of a person who does not raise his hands is acceptable. Therefore, Muslims should not fight over this issue. If someone does not wish to raise his hands, he should not discourage others from doing so because it is not a major controversial point***
a) "Rab-bana lakal hamd"
"O! our Lord, all the praises be to you."
b) "Rab-bana lakal hamd' hamdan
Katheeran tayyiban mubarakan fee."
"O! our Lord, all praises be to you, verv many, pure and blessed praises be to you."
c) Abi Sa'eed al Khudree(ra) says that when the messenger of Allah(saw) used to say :-
"Sami 'al lah hu liman hamida" , he would follow it with :-
"Allah humma rab-bana lakal hamdu mil as samawati wa mil al ardi wa mil ama'
shivta min. shayin ba'du ah lath thana'ee wal majdi ahaq-qum'a q'alal
'abdu Wa Kullu-na Laka 'abd, Allah humma
la' mani'a lima aatayta wala mu'tya lima mana'ta walaa yanfa'u Zal jad-di minkal jad." (Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud)
"Oh Allah, our Lord, all praises be to you, as much as they can fill the heavens and the earth and everything which you want to be filled after that. You deserve to be praised and glorified. You deserve more than what your servant has said and all of us are your slaves. Nobody can prevent whatever you want to give and nobody can give whatever you want to prevent and a person with high rank cannot benefit himself or another from his high rank against your will."
There are some other du'as which can be read in the Qawmah position and these can be found in other Books of Hadith.
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