Then the person praying should say "Allahu Akbar" raising both his hands to shoulder level with the palms facing outwards and fingers stretching to earlobes. He should then bend in ruku so that his trunk (i.e. from head to hips) is perpendicular to the rest of the body. His hands should rest on his knees with the fingers spread apart, taking care that his arms do not touch his body. The person should be calm and composed in the ruku posture and not hurry it. Then he should read: "Subhana rab-bi yal azeem" at least three times.
This means: "Glory be to my Lord who is the greatest.''
He can read it (3, 5, 7, 9, 11 etc.) times. There are some other du'as which can be read with 'Subhana rab-bi yal azeem' or instead of 'subhana rab-bi yal azeem.' Two of them are mentioned below :-
Other Du'as in Ruku:
Aisha (ra) reported that the messenger of Allah(saw) mostly read the following du'a in his ruku and sajdah.
"Subhana Kalla humma rab-bana wabihamdika Allah hum maghfirlee.'' (Bukhari, Muslim)
This means:
"Glory be to you, oh our Lord, and all praise be to you. Oh Allah, forgive me"
Ali(ra) resorted that the Messenger of Allah(saw) used to read the following Du'a in his Ruku:
"Allah humma laka Rakatu, wabika amantu,
walaka aslamtu, anta rab-bi khashi'a samee
Wabasaree wa mukh-khee wa 'azmee
wa 'asabee wa masta qal - lat
bihee qada mav-ya lil-lahi.
Rab-bil 'alameen." (Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud etc.)
"Oh! my Lord, I bowed to you and I believed in you and I submitted to you. You are my Lord. My ear, my sight, my brain, my bones, my tendons and whatever has been carried by my feat is submitted for the Lord of the worlds"
Perfection of Ruku and Sajdah
Abi Masud al Badri(ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: "Allah does not consider the prayer of a man who does not straighten his back when bowing for Ruku and performing Saidah."
Abi Qatadah(ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah(saw) said: "The worst thief is one who steals in his prayer."
Then the companions asked, "How can someone steal from his prayer?"
Prophet(saw) answered, "He does not complete his Ruku and Sajdah with perfection." Or
he said, "He does not make his back straight in Ruku and Sajdah."(Ahmad, Tabrani, Hakim)
These hadiths prove that Ruku and Sajdah should be done calmly, slowly and perfectly, otherwise salat of the person will be deficient.
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