Saturday, September 5, 2009

Du'a for the 26th night

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the merciful.

O Allah bless Muhammad and his family.

O (One) who made the sun and the moon two signs.

O (One) who removed the sign of the night,

and made the sign of the day bright,

that you may seek grace from Him,

and (His) pleasure.

O (One) who seperates everything distinctly.

O the Magnificent, O (the) Giver, O Allah, O (the) Generous.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

You have the most beautiful names,

the highest examples,

the grandeur, the bounties.

I beseech You to,

bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,

and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate,

and my soul among the martyrs,

let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven.

(And I beseech You to )

grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart,

and a faith which drives doubt away from me,

and make me pleased with what You have granted me.

(And I beseech You to)

Give us good in this world,

and good in the Hereafter,

and save us from the punishment of the burning fire.

(HQ 2:201)

(And I beseech You to)

grant me in it Your rememberance,

and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You,

turning (to You for repentance), and success,

for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family,

peace be on him and on them.

Du'a for the 26th night

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